WTD has embarked on a new – resurrecting the "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate" award to totally undeserving actors in US trade policy.
(Some background – the "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate"award was a regular part of the late 1960's, early 1970's Laugh-In show – a popular but silly and satirical hour-long program on the NBC network. The award was usually handed out by Dick Martin to mostly political folks in the Nixon Administration for really dumb decisions.)
WTD’s first Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award goes to the Washington International Trade Association which last evening gave its own Lighthouse Award to Inside US Trade exuberant chief editor Jutta Hennig.
What WITA does not know – or maybe does – is that Ms. Hennig spent most of the day yesterday at the Senate Finance Committee covering the mark up of a bill granting permanent normal trade relations for Russia, along with a handful of other trade-related legislation. And much of that time she spent in her usual verbose style disturbing other reporters, including this one, who were trying to listen by asking: "who is that?" "what are they doing now?" and "what amendment is that?" Decorum please!
WTD and Inside US Trade also went head-to-head last week on covering the latest meeting of the TransPacific Partnership negotiations in San Diego.
Inside Trade stories –
TPP Seen As New Key Venue for ACTA Enactment
USTR in Talks on Greater Access to TPP Texts for Congressional Staff
US Does Not Propose Expected SOE Language That Could Impact Temasek
US Touts Progress in San Diego
AFL-CIO Pushes TPP Partners To Include Migrant Worker Provisions in Deal
USTR Notifies Congress that Canada and Mexico Will Join TPP Talks
USTR Still Mulling Agriculture Group Demands for Full Enforceability of TPP SPS
WTD stories –
Working on TPP
TPP Negotiations in High Gear
A US Copyright Proposal
TPP Labor Chapter Progress
Pressing On in San Diego
Notifying Mexico on TPP
TPP and Transparency
Some ‘Significant Progress’ in San Diego
White House Notifies Congress on Canada
I’m not saying WTD deserves the WITA award or even wants it. We don’t accept awards – only payments for subscriptions and "free" lunches.
Not sour grapes. Just a little fun with a colleague I’ve known for some 25 years.
Jim Berger
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ReplyDeleteI thought the fickle finger of fate was what men had to endure annually after their 40s. After 25 years I've finally learned something from your newsletter. Just kidding buddy!
But seriously you are terrible at writing headlines.
Gary Yerkey
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your stance on not accepting awards.
George C. Scott
ReplyDeleteIf WITA does give you the award, I'd be glad to accept it on your behalf.
Sasheen Littlefeather
Jim - between your grading of the Administration on trade and your characterization of Jutta, you are on a roll. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGary Blumenthal